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VISTALIZER® for Networks

Defining the Process Improvement Yield and Competitive State and Providing A Synthesis How to Get Better

More information about this solution

The VISTALIZER® for Networks technology is a strategical tool for top management (the CEO) and persons responsible for production, R&D or purchasing in medium or large sized organizations. It is also suitable for clusters and organizations in the public sector. The technology has been implemented in some 10 European countries covering more than 50 organizations.

The technology contains the components for making an advanced analysis, synthesis and deployment of actions in your immediate value chain:

Supplier network <-> own business units <-> logistics service providers

The framework for making the analysis is based on your organization's vision and strategies as well as the best known knowledge regarding leadership, management and process improvement.

The qualitative and quantitative analysis covers the following areas:

  1. Systematics and result-orientation (the [total] process improvement yield, the quality of management systems, quality of co-operation).
  2. Business results (time, quality and costs).
  3. Supporting means (product and production technology, organizational know-how, innovativeness).

Based on the analysis, the synthesis provides mission critical knowledge of the network's state-of-affairs. In addition, it will produce a realistic forecast of the actual improvement potential of specific companies or business units (covering the next 6-18 months). The forecast contains also an improvement suggestion (a general "road map") for the top management of the analyzed company or business unit.

The technology is fully supported by other VISTALIZER® solutions for process improvement.